Rachel Davies, Writer and Editor & Kathryn Schultz, Writer


As a writer, how do you feel like you get your foot in the door? And is it hard to make money in this field?

Yes, I’d say I’ve been writing professionally for over seven, eight years and I think you’re not really stable until you’re working with a reputable organization

How did you get involved as a writer for Architectural Digest?

I started writing for them two years ago through a contact I had.

Did you study architecture?

No. We mostly cover interior design as opposed to architecture .

And Kathryn, who do you write for?

I actually freelance with Architectural Digest, so I write celebrity real estate news.

And what’s a favorite article you’ve written that you remember?

I got to interview Seth Rogan about his house plan.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers and how they should position themselves to be a professional?

I would say try writing a bunch of different things like a screenplay or a newsletter. Maybe also reach out to writers who work you admire and don’t be afraid about that barrier. Worst case scenario they don’t reply, but a lot of the times people are willing to talk to you and guide you.


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