Lynx Alexander, Artist

So, I’m a big fan of butterflies. How do butterflies inspire your fashion?

Well, butterflies are so ephemeral, the way they start of as a caterpillar and then they develop. That’s how I feel about our souls. I find them to be a metaphor for the beauty and the fragility of life. How easily butterflies succumb to climate and weather, and that’s what makes them endangered at this moment.

How did you get the name Lynx?

I was a model in the mid 1980’s and during a Parisian fashion show, I tripped on the runway so I crawled down the runway like a cat, and Jean Paul Gaultier named me the “Lynx.”

Do you miss modeling or are you still a model?

No, I don’t model anymore. I lost all my appeal.

What was it like being a model in the 80’s?

Oh my god. It was spectacular. It was a different time.

Do you feel like there’s a resurgence?

In modeling, no. I don’t believe modeling will ever be what it was in the 80’s because it was so over the top. And Jean Paul-Gaultier had the nickname, the monster.

Who are some other fashion designers you’ve worked with?

I’ve worked with Armani, Balari in Paris, Montana…

Who is your favorite designer?

I would say Armani and Karl Lagerfield. @lynxalexander

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