Helen Toomer, Arts Leader

Helen Toomer is the director of PHOTOFAIRS, Stoneleaf Retreat, Upstate Art Weekend, and Art Mamas.

So, how did you become director of PHOTOFAIRS? That’s a huge undertaking.

It’s so amazing. We’re in the Javits Center at the same time as the Armory show, and art fairs are in my background because I love supporting artists and galleries.

Are you an artist yourself?


So, how did you get into this field?

Because I love artists and think it’s incredible to be able to organize a platform in which their voices are able to be shown. So, it’s amazing being alongside the Armory show and then we’re focused on photography and new technology, so it’s a total compliment.

Does PHOTOFAIRS have a theme?

Photography is at the heart and soul of the fair, and it’s really thinking about image making as this thread through film and new media and digital and some NFT’s.

Who are some of your favorite artists?

I love Larry Cook. There’s too many.

What’s your favorite film?

Do you know the film that comes to mind? Dodgeball.

Oh my god. I would never expect that from you.

I know, but that’s what I want to watch because I’m so tired, and when I get home in my PJ’s, I eat popcorn and watch Dodgeball.

Any parting words?

Buy art, not drugs.

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