Carmen Menza, Artist & Mark Menza, Composer


So how did you two meet?

Carmen: I was seeking a place to take guitar lessons and I wandered into the local music store, like thirty years ago. And I signed up for lessons with him.

No way. Thirty years ago? You literally look thirty.

Carmen: Haha thanks

What genre of music do you compose?

Mark: I do contemporary chamber music, and film and TV scoring.

How do you collaborate with the director when you compose music?

Mark: They show you the film, either in the rough form–It may be a cut–or they may get you in early when they have the script but haven’t shot it yet.

So what brings you to the Armory show today?

Mark: She’s a visual artist 

Is any of your work on display here?

Carmen: No not yet, maybe sometime soon.

How do you promote your art?

Carmen: I usually promote it through Instagram, and my personal website. 

Are you also collectors as well?


Who are some artists you collect?

Friends, and fellow artists in the Dallas area




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