Alexa Guariglia, Artist



So another Alexa. We have the best name ever. Do you love your name?

I love my name.


What do you think about the Amazon Alexa? Do people always bother you about it?

I try not to go to parties where there’s an Amazon Alexa. And if there’s a friend of mine who has one I ask that they change the name to Echo. 


Tell me about the inspiration behind your work and how you got into this style

My mother was a calligrapher so I like to use gestural brushwork to form the figure and combine it with pattern and color. I try to apply the same methods with how I dress.


What’s the theme of your art?

This piece is of an airport and I started the series on a plane. I was drawing the things around me and I had a realization that a lot of the airport is sort of lodged in our memory banks. So it was a fun way to explore a space that we sort of have memorized.


What’s your aspiration as an artist for yourself?

Aside from showing at the Armory, I would really like to do more collaborations. Like a New Yorker cover and an Hermes scarf. I would love for the work to bring me to parts of the world I’ve never been.



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