Allison Zuckerman, Artist


You’re like a super prolific artist. I see you everywhere. Can you describe your work in a few sentences?

So I’m very interested in art history and specifically this idea that women are often the subjects of painting but rarely are the makers. I’m trying to retell art history through a female perspective.

You’re almost iconic. With artists you have to have the persona and the talent and you have both so what inspires your art?

I think there’s a lot of my own experiences involved in it. Maybe this idea that women have been left out for so long and there are so many voices that need to be heard and how do we go back in time and rediscover those voices and elevate them now?

What are some cool things you saw at the Armory show today? And are you in the Armory show?

I’m showing with König Gallery. I saw an amazing work by Jamea Richards and she’s showing with Library Street Collective.

In the future what are some things you’d like to showcase to your audience? Because I know you do a lot of collaborations with fashion designers

I really like the idea of curating and I like the academic side of making work so maybe extending that kind of education through shows. So bringing together artists and telling a story.




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