Janice Oresman, Art curator and collector


So you’re an art curator and collector. What kind of art do you collect? Is there a specific genre?

I’m a print collector and supporter of prints.

How do you find the artists you collect from?

I go to galleries, I read. We go everywhere. In order to collect you need to see what’s going on.

I know you’re not on social media, but how do you feel social media affects the art world?

I don’t pay attention. I like to meet people in person. I’d never buy a work of art without seeing it in person that I couldn’t feel, touch and experience

What’s your favorite art gallery in New York City?

That’s a tough question. Too many.

Who’s your favorite artist?

You know, these are questions no one can answer. My favorite artist is anybody who’s really connected to the art world and his or her craft. People who are true artists, not just fly by nights.

How did you become a curator?

I went to Smith College and majored in art history and began collecting for myself and other people and that’s what I did for forty some years.

And what do you think the future of art is?

The future of art is the future of our world so we have to pay a lot of attention to art.

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