Rajiv Menon, Curator and producer


You said you’re starting an art gallery in LA. What kind of artists are you bringing into the gallery?

I’m focusing on artists from South Asia and contemporary work. I’m really interested in creating a hub for South Asian contemporary work in LA and bringing artists who are based in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Do you think there’s a need to showcase international artists more?

Yes. I think there’s a lot of really exciting stuff happening in the global south generally. The United States is now becoming so globalized in the art market and people are really expanding what they’re interested in.

And how have you been finding these artists?

I’ve been collecting for a few years myself so I’ve been able to build up a great network of people.

And what inspirational people do you model yourself after?

There are so many great gallery programs in the US so I’ve seen stuff that Icon gallery has done. And in India like Jhaveri Contemporary and in the UK I really admire Indigo Plus Madder. Really good international focus programs all over the world.

Where are you from?

I grew up in Texas but spent a lot of time in India growing up.

So you went back and forth. Do you think India is a place people should visit and why?

I think the India art fair is one of the most exciting art events happening in the world right now.

Growing up Indian, what are some values instilled in you?

I love the way Indian culture celebrates creativity in all its forms. I think we have such rich traditions around the arts and I really love seeing the way we’re collaborating and pushing that forward.

How will you promote that in your gallery?

I want to show cut of edge, innovative work that is pushing forward and innovating what culture looks like for us.



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