Tony Chung, Actor/model


So you’re a model. Why did you want to become a model?

I was actually scouted, so it wasn’t really a choice. I think that’s the beautiful thing about New York City. I was in the East Village, and this guy just walked up to me offering to launch my career.

Have you done any campaigns with famous brands I’d know?

I’ve done runway shows for Michael Bastian, he’s the creative director of Brooks Brothers. 

You’re also an actor. Were you trained as an actor? Or you just kind of became one without training?

I’ve always wanted to be an actor as a kid like watching movies and stuff, but I sort of let that go 

Where are you from?

I grew up in Texas but went to Northern California a lot. And my parents are from Taiwan.

What would you say the New York vibe is?

It’s ever changing but also not, like I feel as if there’s a unity among New Yorkers maybe ever since 9/11. I feel like there’s this cohesion, like a unity you don’t get in other cities.

What’s your biggest aspiration for yourself as an actor and model? Like what are some goals you have?

On the modeling side, there’s a need to represent Asian men. We’re under-represented so I feel the need to be a part of that. On the actor side, I guess to be in a feature film. I was actually on a show for the last three years called Kung Fu, the reboot of the 1980s show.


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